AreKev: Mermaid Sky
Welsh Bloke: It's Moon Time Again
Welsh Bloke: The Annual Christmas Dinner Shot
Welsh Bloke: The Annual Christmas Dinner Shot
Welsh Bloke: Our Tree
Welsh Bloke: Our Tree
Welsh Bloke: Home Made Baklava
Lu Lavin Photo Art: Luciara...
Kilgore Trout (Patrick Lavin): I lost my soul when I fell to earth..
Kilgore Trout (Patrick Lavin): Welsh bloke Prety vacant
Manuel Martínez - Tomonde D.F.: atardecer - madeira
Welsh Bloke: Old And New
jasonjerbil: dawn today Sunday 8th March 2009
Bobert's Photostream: Jack In Caerphilly
jasonjerbil: _MG_7139
jasonjerbil: open for discussion
jasonjerbil: piggy in the middle
tricky666: windmill in silhouette
tricky666: sunset
jasonjerbil: quilted
jasonjerbil: cheese and custard
jasonjerbil: _MG_1289
jasonjerbil: scene from the sea
fotofreakske: Organized Atumn Stroll Hasselt 10 km
Kobus101: Natures Energy Drink
nature1955: Autumn