ccindigirard: Contentment...
Todd Ryburn: At the Ready
csnyder103: Pawns
Todd Ryburn: Fresh Fish
little_olenka: Handsome Dan
WildImages: Rky Mt Elk using antlers to dig for vegetation in pond IMG_2279
csnyder103: PeaceLoveJoy
Todd Ryburn: Mid-Air Snack
Todd Ryburn: More Bo and Snow
little_olenka: happy thanksgiving!
Devilstar: Frodo
csnyder103: Dreams of Summer
mamaroo10 ~~Have a nice day!!! ;-)): High five little sister!!!!
csnyder103: potato pack
Glenn 07: tiny lizard
Morphicx: Peacock Pearls
zee33. ♥: black tailed prairie marmot
Devilstar: Happy dogs
Todd Ryburn: Giraffe
ecphotographic: yay! a morel
Ken Saunders Photography: Chase, The Laundry Queen
Todd Ryburn: Don't even think about landing here!
csnyder103: Thank you Bonz
Kelley&Kelley: White Peacock....