Christian Liljedahl:
Tyre, needle, hammer, rope
Christian Liljedahl:
Needle is made from a steel pipe cut and sharpened
Christian Liljedahl:
Hammer the needle through the tyre
Christian Liljedahl:
Needle is through the tyre
Christian Liljedahl:
Rope goes into the steel pipe
Christian Liljedahl:
Feed a bit of rope into the pipe
Christian Liljedahl:
Pull out the needle
Christian Liljedahl:
Pull out the needle
Christian Liljedahl:
First end is threaded through
Christian Liljedahl:
hammering the next hole
Christian Liljedahl:
Surface must have a hole for the needle to go in
Christian Liljedahl:
Another hole
Christian Liljedahl:
thread the other end
Christian Liljedahl:
Tie a not on the ends
Christian Liljedahl:
Rope through
Christian Liljedahl:
Tire with rope in