United Red 12: Tootal Drive County Primary School, Salford - 1971
Almyo: Nice Catch!
Emzarr: Untitled-40
Emzarr: Untitled-23
Gosport in pictures: 1939_Newtown School evacuees
dcwooten: ap5017
kalotyp: IMG_20201208_0020-horz
Martin Isaac: Fading Memories
trialsanderrors: Russell Lee: Tagged for evacuation, Salinas, California, May 1942
vintage ladies: Shredded wheat
YlvaS: Friends 1964
misizmac: Junior School
doc(q)man: 1920's, Veere, Dijkhuis, snowy fun
marcelbinmarcel: Publicité chameau galerie1
a.bierstein: Jugendfeuerwehr um 1955, Hessen
whatsthatpicture: Pavilion, Kew Gardens, 1920s?
whatsthatpicture: Me, aged c. 7?
dadgotold: Jaywick late 1950's
Colin John Ford: Woman in a studio shot
Colin John Ford: school boy class by R W Crane_New Southgate (1)
dierk schaefer: Wir aus der Rampenstraße
Dale's Eye View: Nidderdale = 1940's
Dale's Eye View: "Dale's Eye View" in the field just above the Farmstead in Nidderdale where we lived - Note. >>> the Coat appears to be an old schol raincoat so the year must have been 1951 = No new clothing was ever worn in which to play out - always old clothes only