Bearfaced: Channelling my inner Yorkshire farmer
Bearfaced: Self portrait with a scruffy wet dog. (Alternative title... Self portrait with a scruffy dry man)
James Gosnell: IMG_1888
griffin775: He had a long walk this morning.
woof336699: Work Attire
JbarC ranch: 9FCC3E8C-2C4C-4884-8458-A586CEBA07CC
woof336699: Alaska
stevemacisaac: Video Still. Reference for an autobiographical comic I'm working on.
woof336699: Morning Coffee
woof336699: Sunday Morning
stevemacisaac: Strapped in.
stevemacisaac: 11 years ago I got off the plane in Los Angeles for a "visit" of no fixed duration and never left. Todd and I have three anniversaries; the day we met, the day we married, and this, the day I moved here. It took a couple years for LA to take, for me to ad
stevemacisaac: Canadian/London Pride #nofilter #londonpride
=Melvin the Satyr=: #65 - behind the veil
Bearfaced: Self