Vintage-kat: Melbourne - Day 1
Vintage-kat: Retrostar fitting rooms
Vintage-kat: Retrostar fitting room pictures
Vintage-kat: Melbourne Chinatown
Vintage-kat: Who... us?
Vintage-kat: Melbourne Chinatown building
Vintage-kat: The old with the new
Vintage-kat: Coops shot tower
Vintage-kat: Royal Arcade
Vintage-kat: Royal Arcade statue
Vintage-kat: Gog & Magog
Vintage-kat: Gothic city
Vintage-kat: In"spired"
Vintage-kat: The city of Melbourne
Vintage-kat: Le Louvre Salon
Vintage-kat: Hosier Lane
Vintage-kat: Old Milk Bar sign
Vintage-kat: Old Milk Bar sign
Vintage-kat: Perfect Prettiness
Vintage-kat: Perfect Prettiness
Vintage-kat: Time for tea and cake?
Vintage-kat: Perfect Prettiness
Vintage-kat: Perfect Prettiness
Vintage-kat: Perfect Prettiness
Vintage-kat: Brunswick Street cool
Vintage-kat: Bimbo Deluxe Baby
Vintage-kat: Bimbo Deluxe Baby