Alexandra*Rae: Back in my happy place 💛💛
Alexandra*Rae: I love all the different "seasons" of flowers that happen in our yard. It's a new present to look forward to every couple of weeks.
Alexandra*Rae: Funny... The "child" in our crib looks nothing like @btrumpower87 or myself... 😉
Alexandra*Rae: Missing @_hiddenhollowcamp_ something fierce this weekend. Growing up is hard when you can't *really* return to your favorite place anymore.
Alexandra*Rae: There's not much in this world I love more than going to a wedding with this handsome guy. Even better when it's a wedding for a couple that we couldn't love more. Congrats, Jeremy and Jackie! Welcome to the family, Jackie! #jbsquared7916
Alexandra*Rae: Starting his birthday off right! Early morning breakfast at our favorite diner.
Alexandra*Rae: Date day lake selfie 💛💛
Alexandra*Rae: A whole date day with my favorite person ever, starting with Apple Hill donuts, at the lake, and ending at the Ballonfest 💛💛 #ashlandballoonfest2016 #ashlandballoonfest
Alexandra*Rae: The best part of the Balloonfest was running into friends we haven't seen in YEARS! Oh. And the balloons! 😉
Alexandra*Rae: In a happy place for a McGinty "Girls Weekend" 💛💛
Alexandra*Rae: This tree is my favorite thing in our backyard right now. It makes my heart so happy.
Alexandra*Rae: Sometimes.. You just need to have a random, gorgeous, fancy, outdoor, afternoon tea with a bestie.
Alexandra*Rae: Visiting DC, and find out that @e_shvonne is visiting DC too (from NOLA)... Of course we had to meet up! 💛💛 I love when it's literally like no time has passed with this girl.
Alexandra*Rae: There's no words to tell you how happy this bag of goodies makes me.
Alexandra*Rae: I have the best "baby daddy" ever 😉 thankful for a husband that cares for and surprises me... And baby. (Inside the card said, "sorry for all the kicking lately! Love, JT" Apparently dad gave him an advance on his allowance to purchase a new charm fo
Alexandra*Rae: So glad I got to explore Atlanta for a little bit while I was here for @southeastplannercon. I wish I could stay here longer-- the weather was gorgeous, and ther
Alexandra*Rae: Ignore my pasty white legs... But I'm so happy to get out and moving in this gorgeous weather, and starting to see signs of rebirth and spring... My heart is so happy!
Alexandra*Rae: Excited to announce that @btrumpower87 and I will be welcoming a new member of the family in September! We are so excited for this new adventure!
Alexandra*Rae: I have a *thing* for magazines. I always have. When I was younger, my BIG DREAM was to be a magazine editor in a big city like NYC. A huge part of me still loooooves magazines, but now it's just as much for the design of the pages, the photography, and th
Alexandra*Rae: Still on a high of having some of my favorite friends with me for the new year. Starting the new year off surrounded by loving, supportive, fun people makes me feel encouraged that this year will start off right. Love them. Love 2016 already.
Alexandra*Rae: Gathering many of the favorites together for an intense game of #settlersofcatan that I had zero chances of winning. (Still in love with our diy wooden board!)
Alexandra*Rae: Merry Christmas from the Trumpower family! Wishing you a happy holiday season full of love!
Alexandra*Rae: One of my favorite stops on the trip was in @moodfabrics --- I just had to stop in and get SOMETHING. So I grabbed some gorgeous fabric for a scarf, and the employees were the nicest, friendliest people ever. One of my favorite moments was when a manager
Alexandra*Rae: Yep. I did insist on having #shakeshack twice during a 4 day trip. Don't judge. My stomach was happy ;)
Alexandra*Rae: Brb. Just winning wife of the year over here 😘 (jokes-- I enjoyed the tour just as much as he did.)
Alexandra*Rae: Yep. If you need me, I'm just moving to NYC for the rest of my life 😉
Alexandra*Rae: A freezing cold, but completely awesome, homecoming is in the books. Loved being back at BG... Even if I felt crazy old.
Alexandra*Rae: I love that every day is different when I'm working at @crossroadswired.
Alexandra*Rae: Fall also means apple donuts. Oh yes. #fall #donuts
Alexandra*Rae: Oh yes. It's fall. #fallwreath