All Things Artsy: Time is finally slowing down. I went to bed before 11 last night and it felt glorious. Coffee and new cozy pj's. heaven!
All Things Artsy: Yeah we're probably Christmas obsessed. The girl has a 6 foot tall tree in her room this year. Ha! She has such fun decorating. I love it.
All Things Artsy: For unto us a son is given. I'm so excited for this coming Christmas. And I think this was my favorite craft to design and make this year.
All Things Artsy: Cute babies to snuggle, good conversation, sweet friends, and crafts. It was kinda the best. Blurry unedited iPhone photos, signs of a good time!
All Things Artsy: Some of the crafts from the day. I love seeing the creativity that comes out
All Things Artsy: Milk glass and felt balls = 😍
All Things Artsy: I had the pleasure of hosting a crafty party yesterday. I'm so blessed to have crafty friends in my life. I can't wait to throw another one because there are way too many IG friends I wanted to invite.
All Things Artsy: Perfect day. Walked to church. Great message about peace from God in the midst of crazy. Walked by the ice sculptures in our neighborhood. Lunch at Chaps. Talked to Celeste and she shared her crafty tips with me. Chaps at Christmas is always a treat. Then
All Things Artsy: This is the little area that Luna decorates. She is forever hanging little things off of the light switch and changing things up. I love her snowman painting.
All Things Artsy: A few of my favorites from when I was little. @philovesjen top left is the hand made one similar to the little house ornaments from target
All Things Artsy: Finally feels like Christmas. Just decorated the tree and I just love the old German glass ones.
All Things Artsy: we have the cutest little tree in our living room. I've been decorating boxes all night. I'm finally getting to the really fun part of Christmas!
All Things Artsy: Oh yes. Perfect night. Seriously messy crafty goodness and Sam plucking the uke to Xmas tubes. Prepping for craft party on Sat. I'm getting carried away. The ideas keep coming.
All Things Artsy: Iris could not be any cuter. And Luna is a goofball who made a dress out of tissue paper. She has been making dresses out of the tree skirt and fabric lately. #rhonnadesigns
All Things Artsy: Our church hosted a fun night with Santa and crafts and cookie decorating. I love my neighborhood!
All Things Artsy: She was most thrilled to sit with her dear Lucy. It was so heartwarming to see these two little dancers watch in wonder. Lucy's big sister did an amazing job! #rhonnadesigns
All Things Artsy: Special date with this little girl. We found out today that when asked at church this was the thing she was most looking forward to at Christmas-the nutcracker. We even went to see the trees at the davenport and had dinner at Europa.
All Things Artsy: She loved making snow angels
All Things Artsy: My favorite tradition. Hunting down our tree in the National forest
All Things Artsy: Shh, don't tell Luna but I think the uke was more of a gift for him
All Things Artsy: Shh, don't tell Luna but I think the uke was more of a gift for him
All Things Artsy: My sewing machine has been getting some action. I love making things. And I think I love it best when I can use up fun trims and scraps I have and when I don't need a pattern.
All Things Artsy: This quilt. It's getting finished tonight. Watching love actually and hand stitching-the perfect, most satisfying and most therapeutic part of this quilt making process.
All Things Artsy: This Aussie's first Thanksgiving. Welcome to the fam Sean @zpider12
All Things Artsy: The little pilgrims. I had to bribe her to wear that dress. The socks were her choice, she'll always be Luna.
All Things Artsy: It was a magical birthday. We woke to our first snow of the year. We joked that Elsa came last night. We had a giggle filled snowball fight with friends.
All Things Artsy: These two are the cutest @chelle_bruzas I think they had a great time.
All Things Artsy: Our little love turned 4 today! We had a fun day filled with snow fights, special treats, and a little date with her friend. It was a great day.