K D Photos: Grizzly bear
SNAPDECISIONS !: It's Still Raining ~ Best View Dark - Press L
richbriggs28.: Little Jenny Wren
britro: "Talk about artistic temperament. I've been sat here posing for hours for this photographer bloke, before he was happy to press the shutter. Still, he says he knows a robin who knows all about printers, and picture frames."
nigel kiteley2011: Provence Hairstreak
nigel kiteley2011: Pearl Bordered Fritillary
*K*aren: Flipper, the laughing seal
James Clay Photography: Mating Parethelcus pollinarius
gerstat: Baltimore Oriole
Blue Melanistic.Twelve Million Views.: Canon EOS 60D.Canon 70-300mm Lens.Goldfinch On The Wet Broom Handle.April 22nd 2012.
Ally.Kemp: Long Tailed Tit
britro: Meadow Pipit
Deanster1983, PLEASE READ THE ABOUT PART OF MY PRO: Silver washed fritillary (Argynnis paphia) butterfly
Deanster1983, PLEASE READ THE ABOUT PART OF MY PRO: Silver washed fritillary (Argynnis paphia) butterfly
Dillon27: European Eagle Owl (Captive)
Andrew Cooper Photography: Green-veined White
Deanster1983, PLEASE READ THE ABOUT PART OF MY PRO: Emperor moth (Saturnia pavonia) caterpillars, first instar
James Clay Photography: Orange Ladybird
CrazyBugLady: Coming in to land!
Blue Melanistic.Twelve Million Views.: Fuji FinePix S5800-S800.Super Macro.Drone Fly On Pussy Willow.March 26th 2012.
riggy-riggo: 24-spot ladybird 3mm long
Deanster1983, PLEASE READ THE ABOUT PART OF MY PRO: Emperor moth (Saturnia pavonia)
Iain Lawrie: sleeping moth
Iain Lawrie: the lookout
Paul C Summers: Barn Owl
James Clay Photography: While You Slumber