Phoebe Nova:
pied-billed grebe
Phoebe Nova:
wood duck
Phoebe Nova:
Kate and William in Vancouver IMG_1676
Phoebe Nova:
common yellowthroat
Phoebe Nova:
chestnut-sided warbler
Phoebe Nova:
black and white warbler
Phoebe Nova:
anna's hummingbird IMG_1637
Phoebe Nova:
american goldfinch
Phoebe Nova:
purple finch
Phoebe Nova:
northern pygmy owl
Phoebe Nova:
yellow-vented bulbul
Phoebe Nova:
pied bush chat
Phoebe Nova:
short-eared owl and PAL jet
Phoebe Nova:
Phoebe Nova:
tropical kingbird
Phoebe Nova:
Bewick's wren IMG_1212
Phoebe Nova:
pied-billed grebe juvenile IMG_1143
Phoebe Nova:
yellow-headed blackbird
Phoebe Nova:
pied-billed grebe
Phoebe Nova:
gadwall duck
Phoebe Nova:
long-billed dowitcher
Phoebe Nova:
Canada goose family IMG_1012
Phoebe Nova:
blue-winged teal IMG_0987
Phoebe Nova:
yellow-rumped warbler
Phoebe Nova:
northern flicker
Phoebe Nova:
marsh wren
Phoebe Nova:
common yellowthroat
Phoebe Nova:
northern shoveler duck
Phoebe Nova:
gray-crowned rosy finch
Phoebe Nova:
pine grosbeak