aharvey2k: Aww baby tech luminaries! Clockwise: Yoshi Deherrera, Patrick Norton, @chieftwit Dan Huard baby @kevinrose & @sarahlane from The Screen Savers circa April 2003. Found this in some old archives and it made my day!
Super Festivals: IMG_6818
Jake Castorena: image(1)
Jake Castorena: IMG_2974
B Rosen: y2.d131 | there is a war going on for your mind. resistance is victory. defeat is impossible.
bark: 40+68 What the deuce!?
Steiner from mars: ZN Lilandra ink
calliopeva: Beige bear squid
gregory2012: Red Panic Button on Computer Keyboard
Wayne Flower: Sneaky 'Justice League' Writers and Artists Strike Again