depthandtime: Woo Men Bridge and Grand Canal, Soo-Chow, China anaglaph 3D
depthandtime: Sewing Day U.S.S. Minnesota anaglyph 3D
depthandtime: Turn of the Century Zoo anaglyph 3D
depthandtime: Mischief Brewing anaglyph 3D
depthandtime: As in a Looking Glass 1899 anaglyph 3D
depthandtime: Getting the drop on him,(staged) Klondike Bar Room Scene 1901 anaglyph 3D
depthandtime: Broadway from the Corner of Broome Street, New York City 1860's anaglyph3D
depthandtime: Temple of Karnak, Thebes, Egypt 1897 anaglyph 3D
depthandtime: Patiala and Cashmere, Durbar Delhi, India 1903 anaglyph 3D
depthandtime: Crystalizers Concentrating Saccharine Juice anaglyph 3D
depthandtime: Gathering Daisies 1899 anaglyph3D
depthandtime: Orange Pickers, Los Angeles, California 1895 anaglyph 3D
depthandtime: Masonic Building, Oregon, Wisconsin anaglyph 3D
depthandtime: When My Car Comes In, 1950's anaglyph 3D
depthandtime: Empire State Building at Night, New York City 1930's anaglyph 3D
depthandtime: Lapps with Reindeer, Tromsdal, Norway 1902 anaglyph 3D
depthandtime: Visions of the Future 1897 anaglyph 3D
depthandtime: A Dream of Christmas 1897 anaglyph 3D
depthandtime: Fountain, Central Park, New York anaglyph 3D
depthandtime: Tabby as Grandma c1900 anaglyph 3D
depthandtime: I Don't Remember Ordering Chicken for Breakfast! 1907 anaglyph 3D
depthandtime: Ring Three Times for Hot Water 1903 anaglyph 3D
depthandtime: The Automobile Somnambulist 1906 anaglyph 3D
depthandtime: Tormentors(bedbugs) 1897 anaglyph3D
depthandtime: Canyon Diablo, Arizona anaglph 3D
depthandtime: Lord Roberts' Army Advancing Towards Johannesburg -- 84th Battery and Baloon Corps, South Africa anaglyph 3D
depthandtime: Blowing a Carboy and Shaping It's base, Glass Works, N.J. anaglyph 3D
depthandtime: Stork Delivering a Teddy Bear 1907 anaglyph 3D
depthandtime: Chimney Sweeps C1870 anaglyph 3D
depthandtime: CDV back, N.P. Jones, Madison, Wisconsin