Dwayne Jungman: Burgess Dulaney IMG_x26214
atomhirsch: Space
History Rambler: Max Hoffman House 1999
SepiaBillo: Jimmy Lee Sudduth
Patrick Henson: Tennga
Patrick Henson: John Bottoms'
metroblossom: Wood-Maxey-Boyd House
bernardwilliamson: bird's by cole 014
mauricio asial: camera-obscura-3
SantiMB.Photos: Past times / Tiempos pasados
The Library of Congress: House, Houston, Texas (LOC)
teladair: Margaret's Grocery and Bible Study
redmudball: snow hat on mirelez's needle
AnEyeForTexas: Big Bend State Park, Texas
Lar / Fernando Romero: ixtapa house 003
Last Known Location: Ryugyong Hotel
maos: IMG_4449
maos: IMG_4448
AI<i-iIi_: mother of pearl canopy (by v. pillai) atop the terrace garden
kellyludwig: margaret and rev. dennis
kellyludwig: rev. dennis preaching
kellyludwig: school bus pulpit
buzzymt: Mrs. Margaret
Yves Regaldi: Cour Royale - Tiébélé
neurodoc1: P1000189 (2) Gourounsi painted house
Rita Willaert: Antarctica - The Falklands
higheight: Circle Of Lebanon at Highgate Cemetery
AnEyeForTexas: Madrone
AnEyeForTexas: Railroad Bridge