Taxydromos69: hot sweat
pni: Steel And Sunlight
R11S: Trasnformers
artyfishal44: dendritical Glenwood Springs 15F Degrees Outside
peekabou: Generous Little crabapple
innac: flooding the abundance horn
jmboyer: Paris
ftjabugo1: paseo con niebla
michelecarugi: Murale (Movimento)
scottbergeyart: # 732 "That Girl"(g)
Anne Strickland: Catching Some Rays
Christian Wilt: Contemplation of the setting sun
matthewheptinstall: a magic box
--- KORGAN ---: Reflejo robado
zuki12: a bud of life ...
~ paddypix ~: Brent Tor Church ~ Dartmoor, Devon
monosnaps: Carlingford tree
antoni targarona i gibert: EL CAMÍ QUE ENS PORTA A L'HIVERN
Alda Cravo Al-Saude: Reflection of a sweet memory
Marie Lou Perée: Everlasting flower
ceilityme: Crosses, Crucifixes
Wonderlane: The contempletive