gary995: Valentines Flower to my Wife!
gary995: Valenties Hearts
gary995: Valentines Heart
gary995: Zoom 1
gary995: Zoom 2
gary995: Zoom 3
gary995: Sunflowers
gary995: Cirrocumulus? / Contrail?
gary995: Beetham tower silhouette
gary995: Reading room, John Rylands Library
gary995: Canal and Beetham Tower, Manchester
gary995: John Rylands Library, Manchester
gary995: fuscia
gary995: yellow flower
gary995: red bug 2
gary995: Lowry split
gary995: Lowry split portrait
gary995: Light trails
gary995: Shiny building
gary995: Lamborghini Yellow
gary995: Lamborghini Silver
gary995: Harmonic Flute
gary995: Canal manchester
gary995: Apartments manchester
gary995: Apartments manchester
gary995: red bug
gary995: Metal clad building
gary995: Metal clad building after a hot day!?!
gary995: What you lookin at?
gary995: IMG_1978