montel7: riflessi azzurri
montel7: palma incorniciata/ framed palm
montel7: window on a red wall
montel7: Sunny window in the sky
montel7: double embroidery/doppio ricamo
montel7: blue porthole / oblò azzurro
montel7: colors on a white wall / colori sul muro bianco
montel7: doubles / doppi
montel7: ancient window on a painted wall
montel7: wet paint / vernice fresca
montel7: red on gray
montel7: opening the window
montel7: a window in Skrova
montel7: Two reflections
montel7: two windows
montel7: the ancient window and the ancient shadow
montel7: out of the black
montel7: three windows... or just one?
montel7: the homeless window
montel7: wall of windows
montel7: stolen light
montel7: lines and shadows and lines and shadows.......
montel7: someone else's light
montel7: the anticonformist
montel7: the missing window / la finestra che non c'è
montel7: looking outside
montel7: double couple
montel7: before and after....spending some money
montel7: scattered windows/finestre sparpagliate
montel7: orange sunset on the wall