Linda Leow: Nene, Chibi and Li
Linda Leow: Chibi and Yotsuba instant friends!
Pei78: Latidoll yellow animal hat set - sheep
nettness: Out of the tree of life I just picked me a plum
nettness: Mayhap you are staying with me?
Pei78: SD animal hat - sheep
yuurin ~: SDC Kaede SwD
nettness: Pink Ladies
Pei78: Blythe sheep hats
nettness: YAY! Hairs that match hats! Hats that bleet! XD
nettness: Elizabeth WILL cut a bitch.
J*me: Faceup: Volks Luna
J*me: Faceup: Volks Luna
J*me: Faceup: Volks Luna
J*me: Faceup: Volks Luna
J*me: Faceup: Volks Luna
michi666: a drop of sweetness
michi666: a drop of sweetness
michi666: drops of sweetness
Lola · Atelier Momoni +: DollShow 20 - Dolls Drug Kingdom
Sassy Strawberry: Little Photographer (with a 5D)
J*me: Ashen Snow || Poeme
~ Jo ~ taking a break: An unexpected friendship