Birkenstockgay (+18 YO ONLY): IMG_20240514_135812
BarefootDon2012: IMG_8216
BarefootDon2012: IMG_9003
halfpint34: Comin' atcha with my sweaty white sock
halfpint34: Dirty white socks are stinkin' after lots of abuse
halfpint34: Givin' the camera a face full of stinky socks!
halfpint34: POV shot of gettin' my sweaty socks outta those Etnies
halfpint34: Gettin' that moist dark sock outta those boots!
halfpint34: Relaxin' at the park takin' off my shoes and socks!
halfpint34: Layin' back in my car kickin' off my shoes
halfpint34: Gettin' both of shoes off sure feels good
halfpint34: Relaxin' in the park kickin' off my shoes
halfpint34: Kickin My Shoes Off After Work
halfpint34: Taking My Shoes Off in the Car
halfpint34: Kicking Back in my Car
halfpint34: Taking a break after a long hot drive
bare11: On the trail
bare11: On the trail
bare11: On the trail
bare11: On the trail
Voytekgdynia: Saturday evening barefoot walk.
Voytekgdynia: Barefoot evening continues.
silvpix: Summer soles.
bare11: Heels