azure-xu: this album is full.Please move to the other album
azure-xu: azure's 1st birthday party
azure-xu: 200712 受洗
azure-xu: 200709
azure-xu: 玩毯子粉幸福
azure-xu: 玩毯子
azure-xu: my hallowen costume
azure-xu: 女僕與蝙蝠俠
azure-xu: mommy made my halloween costume
azure-xu: my 3th birthday
azure-xu: my 2010 swimming suit
azure-xu: 偷鞋賊
azure-xu: play baby golf
azure-xu: 乘貓覽
azure-xu: catch a frog
azure-xu: grandma with me
azure-xu: grandgrandma with me
azure-xu: mommy made dress for me
azure-xu: mommy made skirt for me
azure-xu: magic princess
azure-xu: I just like to eat candy
azure-xu: Mommy做的熊耳夾
azure-xu: Mommy做的兔耳夾
azure-xu: aunt ellie made my hat
azure-xu: at aunt sue anniversary party(2/20/10)
azure-xu: 湯圓helper
azure-xu: 2009 with santa
azure-xu: make x'mas cookies with grandma
azure-xu: Hat and clothes so match
azure-xu: I am big big girl now