robur01: one mama of a jelly fish
robur01: count of postmen, old people, cyclists, cars and motobikes
robur01: record rally car jump
robur01: merry go round
robur01: hurting
robur01: audi add
robur01: dangerous?
robur01: got a problem boss!
robur01: disaster waiting to happen
robur01: how?
robur01: weird accident
robur01: nicely done
robur01: audi add
robur01: fuckin scary looking
robur01: nicely done
robur01: yeha
robur01: expensive
robur01: definition of i wrapped it arround a pole
robur01: more nicely done action
robur01: double dekker to single in a flash
robur01: that's a bit on the wild side
robur01: tank jumping
robur01: kafuckingboom
robur01: savage slowmo shot
robur01: what do you say to that?
robur01: what?
robur01: yikes
robur01: Tow Truck Company
robur01: skid
robur01: 2106655481_0e5a4bd32f_o