carrrolyn: DSC00577
carrrolyn: day 1 - trepidation and preparation
carrrolyn: DSC00530
carrrolyn: A roadside cluster
carrrolyn: DSC00553
carrrolyn: Cristine points to the pending rain
carrrolyn: Storage cars and boats!
carrrolyn: Constant bliss -- not just the name of an artisanal cheese!
carrrolyn: DSC00562
carrrolyn: lunchness
carrrolyn: DSC00567
carrrolyn: growler filling station
carrrolyn: kombucha/IPA
carrrolyn: Craftsbury general store
carrrolyn: a view
carrrolyn: presiding over Droves
carrrolyn: the roads of Droves
carrrolyn: DSC00580
carrrolyn: returning our carts
carrrolyn: village-wide yard sale!
carrrolyn: Crown College, where there is apparently no math major
carrrolyn: Ti friends
carrrolyn: Safety zone! It looks so safe in there. Hunting is allowed outside the scary falling-down house, for safety reasons.
carrrolyn: magical tunnels
carrrolyn: post-magical tunnels, the magic continues
carrrolyn: smiling from climbing
carrrolyn: Milk.