Dotesgirl: Bonobos holding hands
Dotesgirl: Tufted Titmouse
Dotesgirl: House Finch
Dotesgirl: Blue Jay
Dotesgirl: Red-Bellied Woodpecker
Dotesgirl: White Breasted Nuthatch
Dotesgirl: Kwashi digging for gold
Dotesgirl: Blue Jay
Dotesgirl: Red-Bellied Woodpecker
Dotesgirl: Red-Bellied Woodpecker
Dotesgirl: Raccoon ate a bird
Dotesgirl: IMG_6277
Dotesgirl: Lion
Dotesgirl: Baby Gladys got scared of Jomo and went screeching away to the nearest female.
Dotesgirl: Jomo
Dotesgirl: Peacock Feathers
Dotesgirl: IMG_3123
Dotesgirl: Rose Breasted Grosbeak
Dotesgirl: Rose-Breasted Grosbeak
Dotesgirl: rose breasted grosbeak
Dotesgirl: rose-breasted grosbeak
Dotesgirl: Barry Manilow
Dotesgirl: Barry Manilow
Dotesgirl: Barry Manilow
Dotesgirl: Barry Manilow
Dotesgirl: Barry Manilow
Dotesgirl: Barry Manilow
Dotesgirl: Barry Manilow
Dotesgirl: Barry Manilow
Dotesgirl: Popcorn Cake