Loo.Luisa: It’s too hot today. But I love it!
Ren_san: IMG_7171_4
BathorYume: szs.02
Yasucherry: Yurio
Yasucherry: Yuri On Ice Nendoroid
Yasucherry: Yuri On Ice Nendoroid
GaleXV: Beach Ball!
GaleXV: Princess Summer Vacation
GaleXV: Chaldea Summer Memories
GaleXV: 地元愛♡満タン☆サマーライフ
Pati's Nendoroid Photography: All Cats Are Friends
zir0photo: Please Do not feed the King
Pati's Nendoroid Photography: Look At What You've Done!
Ren_san: Hinata's Birthday
Ren_san: Tatara
Pati's Nendoroid Photography: Setting Up The Picnic
Pati's Nendoroid Photography: I Can Take Your Order
Jezbags: Kirby Wand