wel1shie: Welshie lineup one.
wel1shie: Welshie lineup two.
wel1shie: Leading the way.
wel1shie: Thru the shade.
wel1shie: Stepping out.
wel1shie: Pit stop.
wel1shie: It's a bit steep.
wel1shie: Down the slope.
wel1shie: What slope, no problem for the Airedale.
wel1shie: Somethings got their attention.
wel1shie: There's something interesting under this rock.
wel1shie: ' I'll just sit on this log and watch the Welshie's.'
wel1shie: DSC08483C
wel1shie: DSC08484C
wel1shie: DSC08486C
wel1shie: Sisters Dulcie & Dilys plus Merlin.
wel1shie: DSC08489C
wel1shie: Rhodri & Staff.
wel1shie: DSC08491C
wel1shie: DSC08497C
wel1shie: DSC08498C
wel1shie: DSC08499C
wel1shie: Last ones back.
wel1shie: Lake Vyrnwy
wel1shie: Dulcie Lake Vyrnwy
wel1shie: Dulcie Lake Vyrnwy.