ronjac2: Boris Christmas 2
Audmob: IMG_1682
The Chimes: Inanimate Finale
cfarstar: Practice Makes Perfect
Stuart Smith.: Island & Mainland, Firth of Forth, Scotland UK
kazg5: In the puppy I will show you the dog
kazg5: Quigley paddling
Carole2021: Robbie 11 Today!
kazg5: Day trip to London
Bracman: 20221001_231548
Avonmill: 76A8AE1D-46B4-4D64-8AA5-AFA9AF4CD3C9
PAD&T 2: 20220408_161818_308726273063998
PAD&T 2: 20220409_210855
kazg5: Easter Greetings
kazg5: Sadly Dooley and Quigley’s uncle Barney has passed away
Audmob: rPVSnh2BQniPau4gA1YgCQ
ronjac2: Reduce the wine
welshie05: West Runton walk
kazg5: Thameslink home
Carole2021: Ken and Audrey with Dilys and Merlin on Dunwich Beach
Carole2021: Merlin and Dilys tired after their day at Dunwich ready for home
kazg5: Part two
Bracman: Out and about Millennium parish stone Ballaugh
ronjac2: Gryff having fun in the garden
kazg5: How many points does your welshie get?
Avonmill: DDFAE2CC-2277-4080-A649-8034274D8586
Bracman: Season's greeting everyone from Seren in the isle of Man
Noey2010: Dog Tired!
Noey2010: Awaiting Surgery!
kazg5: Curly Quigley in his Christmas Fleece