martin.svensson: Crested tit (Lophophanes cristatus)
Robin Valk: Tenerife.
Michael.Kemper: South Africa - iSimangaliso Wetland Park
Mark Carmody: Red Kite/Cúr Rua/Préachán na gCearc (Milvus milvus)
Angelika Meister: Halsbandsittich - Rose-ringed Paraceet
Mark Carmody: White Stork/Storc/Corr Bhán (Ciconia ciconia)
Mark Carmody: Western Jackdaw/Cág (Corvus monedula spermologus)
Mark Carmody: Common Snipe/Naoscach (Gallinago gallinago faeroeensis)
Mark Carmody: Crested Lark (Galerida cristata)
Mark Carmody: Barn Swallow/Fáinleog (Hirundo rustica)
Sheldrickfalls: Black and white
ChristianMandel: Common buzzard
ChristianMandel: Kohlmeise (Parus major)
SonyLeo: Turdus pilaris
ChristianMandel: Common buzzard
catchlightdon: Magpie Take-Off
Sheldrickfalls: I can see you!
phillip 13: Through the mist Blue tit
phillip 13: Shoot4
huskyte77: Endless highways
Lillian Rodriguez: Stylish Emu
Mono Andes: Alstroemeria ligtu ssp simsii
Sky Noir: Pier on the Chesapeake
dgarridosan: The Campoamor Theater, Oviedo, Asturias, Spain
Natxus: Vietnam.- Da Nang - Ba Na Hills - Sun World
Mono Andes: Pastizal en Pichidegua
dgarridosan: The Wishing Tree, Plaza del Fontán, Oviedo, Asturias, España
<Hana>: 664. Hosta