BBC News: First broadcast from Studio E, New Broadcasting House
greenwood100: Teddy bear boy on a million cobbles
blinkofaneye: Bob Geldof
greenwood100: Heygate and the City
jotemel: Square vs. Circle
processwhite: big ted and little ted
processwhite: my feet #57
processwhite: shapes and shapes
processwhite: little donkey
greenwood100: Scary Stairs - Orchha
alonsodr: Dirty love
greenwood100: Orchha Window
Canonshot Mole: Grounded
Freddie H.: Street star
greenwood100: No.5 - 1000 eyes all looking at you.
Vix Pix07: The Tube, London
Vix Pix07: Sparklers for Diwali
Speckled Jim: mike brown at work
s2martin: Cardington airship hangars