Candyroot: I see you!
Candyroot: Scratch right here, please.
Candyroot: Armful of spoodle
Candyroot: Summer in the South
Candyroot: What you say?
Candyroot: Yes, I can be still for 3 seconds
Candyroot: Are you sure?
Candyroot: Oh, Please!
Candyroot: Whut's Dat
Candyroot: DSCN0746
Candyroot: I need Out!
Candyroot: dscn0672
Candyroot: Spoodle Nappin'
Candyroot: DSCN0638
Candyroot: DSCN0635
Candyroot: DSCN0686
Candyroot: DSCN0685
Candyroot: Give it to him!?
Candyroot: What's that, Mom?
Candyroot: Gimme
Candyroot: Got it -- Sort of.
Candyroot: Not for Long
Candyroot: Here I come
Candyroot: See what I have
Candyroot: No Mine!
Candyroot: It's Mine!
Candyroot: Who gets it?
Candyroot: He's such a tag-along!
Candyroot: Zoomies
Candyroot: I'm faster than you thought!