Christiaan Arthur Hemerik: My Nexus 5X keeps amazing me.
Christiaan Arthur Hemerik: Latte o' clock.
Christiaan Arthur Hemerik: Busy preparing today's Birthday and Mother's Day brunch.
Christiaan Arthur Hemerik: See through III.
Christiaan Arthur Hemerik: A typical Saturday down De Passage.
Christiaan Arthur Hemerik: See through II.
Christiaan Arthur Hemerik: Yup. It really was someone's Birthday today.
Christiaan Arthur Hemerik: Friday afternoon drinks in the garden. It's been a while.
Christiaan Arthur Hemerik: Layers. Also, the fine difference between beautiful Spring weather and pure misery.
Christiaan Arthur Hemerik: Rear view from our temporary cabin today.
Christiaan Arthur Hemerik: Breakdance night at the Hemerik residence.
Christiaan Arthur Hemerik: I still miss living here.
Christiaan Arthur Hemerik: We were on a steam train today.
Christiaan Arthur Hemerik: Meanwhile, in Noordwijk.
Christiaan Arthur Hemerik: Working from our little cabin behind De Baak in Noordwijk today because of construction works in the villa. No complaints at all.
Christiaan Arthur Hemerik: We did a little hiking today.
Christiaan Arthur Hemerik: In between hail and rain storms, there are signs of spring after all.
Christiaan Arthur Hemerik: The Uddelermeer, one of the oldest and most valuable natural lakes in The Netherlands. A magical place that was on my must-check-out list for quite some time.
Christiaan Arthur Hemerik: No tulips for a change.
Christiaan Arthur Hemerik: Current status.
Christiaan Arthur Hemerik: I've been living here all my life, but I've never seen the fields as beautiful as tonight.
Christiaan Arthur Hemerik: A touch of red and white.
Christiaan Arthur Hemerik: A touch of red near sunset.