nikki_whiteman: Under go'o shrine
nikki_whiteman: Blackwhiteyellow
nikki_whiteman: Playing with colours, again
nikki_whiteman: The best tent in Tottori
nikki_whiteman: Obligatory picture of crazy Japanese product
nikki_whiteman: Veni Vedi Vici. Ouch.
nikki_whiteman: Tottori Sand Dunes
nikki_whiteman: Apologies for roadworks
nikki_whiteman: Prehistoric pachinko
nikki_whiteman: Misasa hot springs
nikki_whiteman: Conquered
nikki_whiteman: Lunch on a precipice
nikki_whiteman: Temple on a cliff
nikki_whiteman: Lunch on a precipice
nikki_whiteman: The signs of the Chinese zodiac. With red hats.
nikki_whiteman: Castles in the sand
nikki_whiteman: Lilliputian UFO rings
nikki_whiteman: shoe-cum-bottle-opener
nikki_whiteman: last night in okinawa
nikki_whiteman: kiss kiss
nikki_whiteman: Big Bird BBQ
nikki_whiteman: Post-sea smug
nikki_whiteman: The pimpmobile
nikki_whiteman: Baby barnacles
nikki_whiteman: Nothing says 'victory' like hands on hips
nikki_whiteman: Kenny's black stomach