Don Delaney: Northern Hawk Owl (Surnia ulula)
soulsurvivor08: Turtle at Anna Ruby Falls
Debbie Strieter: "Dude!...waaay too much coffee!"
rollie rodriguez: Eastern Sierra Crest, Owens Valley, California
PhotoJenics by Jen Hall: American Bittern with Snake - 0383b+
Lotterhand: Bobcat attacking a timber rattlesnake in a den crevice
Lotterhand: Bobcat Kit Approaching Timber Rattlesnakes
Lotterhand: Pile of Timber Rattlesnakes
Eric Centenero Alcalá: Cascabeles de México
Eric Centenero Alcalá: culminatus dos
Kristian Bell: Pygmy mulga snake (Pseudechis weigeli)
Eric Centenero Alcalá: transversus y tancitarensis
Eric Centenero Alcalá: Crotalus tancitarensis
J Centavo: Retired
EmpressM: Leach Pads
EmpressM: Steel Rod Supporting Wall
EmpressM: Shaft & Ramp System
fauxtophile: Northern Pacific Rattlesnake
fauxtophile: Sunning
jeff.martineau: Rattlesnakes of Arizona
Philosopher with a camera: Shades of White
Matthieu Berroneau: Vipère aspic, forme mélanique sur fond blanc
Rye Jones: Great Basin Rattlesnake-Crotalus oreganus lutosus
Philosopher with a camera: Great basin rattlesnake (Crotalus oreganus lutosus)
antonsrkn: False fer de lance
vojtechvita: Vipera ammodytes
cowyeow: Alligator Throne
Rye Jones: Long-eared Owl