Cascavel1: My last show
Cascavel1: My last show
Cascavel1: Me Photographing a speck
Cascavel1: Me photographing a creekside lep
Cascavel1: Photographing a Mojave
Cascavel1: Crawling out of the abyss
Cascavel1: How did I get down here?
Cascavel1: Me getting swallowed by the earth
Cascavel1: Double trouble 2
Cascavel1: Double trouble
Cascavel1: Lower Lake Mary
Cascavel1: Exploring Diamondback Cave
Cascavel1: Me getting some puppy love
Cascavel1: Me and Brandy
Cascavel1: Band T
Cascavel1: Body Building
Cascavel1: Photographing my first Canebreak
Cascavel1: Hiking
Cascavel1: Hiking
Cascavel1: My first GA Canebreak
Cascavel1: Our last dinner on St Thomas at Room with a View
Cascavel1: Tiff and I on a Dinner Cruise
Cascavel1: Tiff and I on a Dinner Cruise
Cascavel1: Me at the top of 99 steps
Cascavel1: Me on Hawksnest Beach St John's
Cascavel1: Me on Hawksnest Beach St John's
Cascavel1: On the ferry to St John's
Cascavel1: Tiff and I at Coral World