drew*in*chicago: Auto Racing #skoalbandit
stirwise: Jackson
Allan Ludwig: Billikid's sticker board in Lower Manhattan
amaranth628: Sticker
misphit: She
Allan Ludwig: Fake $20.00 Dollar Bill Found In Lower Manhattan. Street Art. TWENTY BUCKZ
Mary Bogdan: fedex crusade
LoisInWonderland: Stickers Spotted on 1.6.2010
EMENFUCKOS: MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY! almost had me for a second
GammaBlog: Homer Cents and Dollars
dirtcheapmagazine: noffson illustration june
Deebs in BK: East Village. dont know if it was real..
carnagenyc: Help yourself
NEROnearOH: woodgrain sticker
FW18: filter bathroom 1
Bonus Saves: I'm Happy becuz I Purchase...
ninjagrl: love volt.
Bonus Saves: more Macy's ad art
Thunder Circus: Stickers
Eric of Broers: quencher's
c_damage: franklin.
David Overholt: $20 sticker
Bonus Saves: Lost, Melt, $20Bill
Bonus Saves: IOWA, Sunny Rainclouds, Bonus, Magicats, 20 buckz,
Señor Codo: tale of two doorways