Sthe 55: We live by faith, not by sight.
Sthe 55: Sufficient Grace Poster
Lauren B Lewis: Tune My Heart - Available to purchase on Society 6
Lauren B Lewis: Amazing Grace
Lauren B Lewis: Isaiah 9:6
Lauren B Lewis: Matthew 6:33 (print available at Society6)
Sthe 55: Holy Ground
Robin Black Photography: Sandstone Scream
JoannaRB2009: sunset...
Brittney Borowski: 50mm 1.2 lens
paraclafilms: Spring
beetabonk: the sky is falling
JoannaRB2009: winter afternoon
JoannaRB2009: urban sunset
Justin Terveen: A Sight for Sore Eyes
Patrick Long Exposures: Purity in Moss
Josef...: Airport
Sunny Merindo Images: Under the Sun
paper owls.: Henry David Thoreau
dmkdmkdmk: Day 18: Moraine Lake & Banff
RevTimMedia: Treasure Island Sunset
RevTimMedia: RevTim in Mirror
Bentobird: melons and butterfly bush
gastonCc: Cuernos del Paine
CharlieBrown8989 aka Charlie C Tan: Gate's To The Golden Frontier!!
BigstickCarpet: My H2G2 Tattoo
j/bimages: James River Sunset
Jack Nguyen Photography: Bending to catch the sunlight, she is shining!!!