notgnirrad: My Snowbunnies.
notgnirrad: Whee!
notgnirrad: Up the hill.
notgnirrad: Georgia!
notgnirrad: Abby!
notgnirrad: Fresh out of the mailer. #girlgenius #:-)
notgnirrad: AK and GG
notgnirrad: AK and GG
notgnirrad: Spinning tunes at Pier View Artisan Market
notgnirrad: AK Christmas List #73
notgnirrad: Mommy and GG colaborate on a drawing.
notgnirrad: femshep_pinup_by_mwar
notgnirrad: Amazing milky way photos
notgnirrad: 2011-10-30_21-01-24_911
notgnirrad: 2011-10-30_21-03-43_906