Trevor30: it's pouring rain, but I need my coffee
Trevor30: We're in Long Beach!!
Trevor30: first views
Trevor30: Pacific ocean waves
Trevor30: stroll to Florencia Bay
Trevor30: the beach
Trevor30: swinger
Trevor30: wind swept
Trevor30: on the beach
Trevor30: on Long Beach
Trevor30: Florencia Bay
Trevor30: dead jellyfish
Trevor30: waves
Trevor30: evidence of early man on the West Coast
Trevor30: bull kelp roots
Trevor30: back to Long Beach on a foggy day
Trevor30: Long Beach
Trevor30: take 1
Trevor30: Long Beach
Trevor30: take 2
Trevor30: shoeless
Trevor30: take 3?
Trevor30: take 4!
Trevor30: "she's nuts"
Trevor30: take 5??!
Trevor30: lame!
Trevor30: Pelagic gooseneck barnacle encrusted log on the beach
Trevor30: Long Beach logs