Trevor30: détour
Trevor30: christmas day picnic
Trevor30: ebisu ready to roll
Trevor30: ebisu - fort langley coffee run
Trevor30: post-run fire side snack
Trevor30: walter, the pumpkin
Trevor30: Porsche 356B Super 90
Trevor30: picnic spot on the Fraser River
Trevor30: fence bikes
Trevor30: scattering leaves on the way to the river to look for returning salmon
Trevor30: finishing strong
Trevor30: stopping the clock
Trevor30: frosty start to the day
Trevor30: gearing up
Trevor30: start line...
Trevor30: west coast sunset
Trevor30: going down...
Trevor30: jumping dog
Trevor30: awaiting the sunset
Trevor30: surfers getting washed
Trevor30: surfers not surfing
Trevor30: smashed
Trevor30: no luck
Trevor30: lighthouse
Trevor30: blue on the beach
Trevor30: fine looking house
Trevor30: chesterman beach
Trevor30: petting a
Trevor30: orange starfish
Trevor30: petting a starfish