solocat52: Heaven above
solocat52: Sea below
solocat52: Tranquility
solocat52: Fushias
solocat52: Still Life
solocat52: Standing alone
solocat52: Sometimes you have to get behind things to appreciate them
solocat52: Dance like no one is watching....
solocat52: The poetry of the earth is never dead. ~John Keats
solocat52: When life gives you lemons, find someone who has vodka and throw a party.
solocat52: Arachnaphobia
solocat52: Happy Earth Day
solocat52: Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. ~Lao Tzu
solocat52: Bounty
solocat52: All my emotions on my sleeve
solocat52: Surrounded by an army of red
solocat52: Family portrait
solocat52: Fawn Lily
solocat52: Surreal
solocat52: Rock study
solocat52: Canyons
solocat52: Into the abyss
solocat52: Sea foam
solocat52: Haystack Rock
solocat52: What's inside?
solocat52: Fall palette
solocat52: I could sit here forever
solocat52: Anatomy of a tree
solocat52: Shedding
solocat52: Peek!