UltraRunningLtd: JOGLE day 1-16
swampr0se: Asclepias tuberosa, butterfly milkweed seed
swampr0se: Gray treefrog, Hyla versicolor on common milkweed
swampr0se: Pogonia ophioglossoides, snake breath, rose pogonia,orchid
gerrymcgovern: Wk 62 (117)
gerrymcgovern: Wk 62 (115)
gerrymcgovern: Wk 62 (54)
swampr0se: Dogwood under ice-Toronto ice storm
swampr0se: Witch hazel under ice-Toronto ice storm
swampr0se: we walk on carpets of gold
swampr0se: Lirodendron tulipifera, tulip tree
swampr0se: oak, Quercus
Lin Gregory (Light-Worker♥): The Dawn of a New Era
swampr0se: Haircap moss
swampr0se: Cephalanthus occidentalis, buttonbush
swampr0se: Verbena hastata, blue vervain, swamp vervain
swampr0se: Parnassia glauca, grass of Parnassus
Lin Gregory (Light-Worker♥): Standing in Silence
Leafytri: Sea_anemone
Lin Gregory (Light-Worker♥): The Nature of Light
swampr0se: Notophthalmus viridescens, Eastern newt
swampr0se: Common sundew, Drosera rotundifolia