12 Mile Limit:
For a moment
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Paying her a visit at the office
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Art of nature
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12 Mile Limit:
Late night walk in a snow storm
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Maui - Where lava met the sea
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Do not enter
12 Mile Limit:
Creation and created
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Sonnenaufgang // Sunrise
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Wasserfälle // Waterfalls
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Water from above
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12 Mile Limit:
Snow at the Grand Canyon
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Felsen und Himmel // Rocks and sky
12 Mile Limit:
Manche führen, manche folgen // Some lead, some follow
12 Mile Limit:
Alaska Railroad
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Final Frontier
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Nature’s design
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A night under the palms and stars
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Nach einem Windstoß // After a gust of wind
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Crosshairs - USS Arizona seen from the submarine Bowfin, Pearl Harbor
12 Mile Limit:
The Wilderness
12 Mile Limit:
Alle Uhren bleiben stehen // All clocks stop
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Sehnsucht // Longing
12 Mile Limit:
Engel // Angel
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Ist kein Licht am Horizont // There is no light on the horizon
12 Mile Limit:
Flying under the clouds
12 Mile Limit:
12 Mile Limit:
Rain in the distance