sirthessiger: the promise in your eyes
sirthessiger: come closer
sirthessiger: digital dreams
sirthessiger: sit down next to me
sirthessiger: hayal حلم | dream
sirthessiger: desert rose
sirthessiger: settle for less
sirthessiger: I put a spell on you
sirthessiger: show me your love
sirthessiger: the itch for solitude
sirthessiger: meeting your royal highness princess Z from Afar Desert
sirthessiger: dune art gallery by arabian
sirthessiger: الحياة نعمة
sirthessiger: the art of belly dance
sirthessiger: we are travelers on a cosmic journey
sirthessiger: be with the truth even if you are alone
sirthessiger: memories of war ذكريات الحرب
sirthessiger: in my solitude
sirthessiger: if you unveil me …
sirthessiger: the taste of farewell
sirthessiger: Qi Gong
sirthessiger: without you
sirthessiger: ليلى (laylaa)
sirthessiger: I'm in places far away from you
sirthessiger: I made a drawing for you to find. I left it against the toughened grass, where the land slides - they were for you, only you …
sirthessiger: only in light can we see our shadows. and only in shadows can we see our light
sirthessiger: silence is one of the great arts of conversation