will.fowles.1978: 75% hydration sourdough
will.fowles.1978: 75% hydration sourdough
will.fowles.1978: Hybrid white bread - sourdough starter & commercial yeast (75% hydration)
will.fowles.1978: 72% Hydration lean bread - nice texture.
will.fowles.1978: 72% Hydration yeasted white bread
will.fowles.1978: Hybrid loaf - sourdough starter and commercial yeast
will.fowles.1978: Hybrid white bread - sourdough starter & commercial yeast (75% hydration)
will.fowles.1978: Ear is getting there…
will.fowles.1978: 75% hydration 24 hour cold ferment.
will.fowles.1978: Cupcake focaccia
will.fowles.1978: Cupcake focaccia
will.fowles.1978: Sweet and savoury.
will.fowles.1978: Apple & cinnamon, and olive and rosemary focaccia
will.fowles.1978: Nice kouignette!
will.fowles.1978: Are we there yet?