king_sex_123: 4F21BF1C-760D-4EA6-B773-B435E85192ED_1_105_c
king_sex_123: Kitty catt
king_sex_123: Today I have a cat
king_sex_123: Steven universe or something like that
king_sex_123: 444782419_360657816590912_9106767243756413851_n
king_sex_123: Hahahaha
king_sex_123: More accurate to the most immediate state of affairs!
king_sex_123: Blehhhhh :p
king_sex_123: Yay 😀
king_sex_123: Buttresses
king_sex_123: Domination of the ground floor
king_sex_123: IMG_5889
king_sex_123: IMG_5855
king_sex_123: IMG_5832
king_sex_123: Felling disagreeable
king_sex_123: Going into hiding 💪 fuck with me
king_sex_123: Clam and Tony or maybe it’s clam Tony :)
king_sex_123: Some watermelon for a tired human on the curb sitting in a hot day
king_sex_123: I want to hold you or you hold me but not at the same time :/
king_sex_123: I’ve got a tuning fork ringing in my head … I hope to beat this virus soon
king_sex_123: Let’s be clear.. me and Don M. are still not on talking terms ….
king_sex_123: Let’s be clear.. me and Don M. are still not on talking terms ….
king_sex_123: Ha little red riding hood
king_sex_123: (null)