ili76: Never knock on doors that have been closed to you. People live there who cut you out of their live
ili76: If you tell them they're fat, they all go on a diet, if you tell them they're stupid, no one starts to read a book
ili76: It's hard to forget when you have so many reasons to remember
ili76: How many times can the same thing break your heart?
ili76: When a woman lets you play it's because she's already decided how to let you win or lose
ili76: A man once told me: Child, remember, when the sugar runs out the ants disappear.
ili76: Do you know when you are really rich? When you get home, you close the house door and everything you want is already there u
ili76: A love that ends in friendship was not love
ili76: Happy day to all friends :-)
ili76: There is no soul, no matter how harsh, that does not succumb to love sooner or later
ili76: Great is the one who does not have to overshadow the light of others in order to shine
ili76: You can't save your parents but...
ili76: If you ever get the chance to see me again... miss it, it's better that way. I am no longer that kind and smiling person of the past
ili76: It doesn't matter how good you are... You will always be bad in someone's story :-)
ili76: How do you look at a solar eclipse...
ili76: My thoughts ..
ili76: Everything passes ... so they say. ..but it is not true
ili76: 💞
ili76: Adam and Eve
ili76: Who really loves you takes you by surprise
ili76: There is no "I'm too busy" People make time for the things that are really important to them
ili76: Everyone has their place, their purpose, their joy on heaven and on earth. There is no time to judge the other, but only to love
ili76: Dreams are deferred whispers of destiny
ili76: When you offer someone more than they are worth they will sell you for the difference
ili76: The greatest treasure is knowing how to be satisfied with a little because you will never lack it
ili76: Having a place to return it means home. Having someone to love you means family. Having both is a blessing
ili76: We are born alone, we live alone, we die alone
ili76: Happy Easter to all Catholics
ili76: Not position but disposition can make us happy :-)
ili76: Only energy manifests, man is only a hologram life is a cosmic game