AM Digital Photography: 02-01-09 – Tangerine Dreams pt-2 – OLYMPUS 027 - 2011
AM Digital Photography: 02-10-10 – Mpls Sculpture Garden - pt-8- Canon EOS - 5D 072
AM Digital Photography: The King And I - 06
AM Digital Photography: The King And I - 04
AM Digital Photography: The King And I - 03
AM Digital Photography: The King And I - 02
AM Digital Photography: The King And I - 00
AM Digital Photography: ---5-05-08 - Lake Calhoun 086-SIG-2
AM Digital Photography: ---5-05-08 - Lake Calhoun 086-SIG-1
AM Digital Photography: 06-14-09 – Chasing Waterfalls - pt-1 – CANON 109
AM Digital Photography: 12-15-08 - 1st day in Las Vegas - day 1 120 -
AM Digital Photography: 03-07-09 – Tangerine Dreams pt-3 – OLYMPUS 2 095
AM Digital Photography: 10-19-09 – Mpls Sculpture Garden- October - CANON 019-SIG-1
AM Digital Photography: 10-19-09 – Mpls Sculpture Garden- October - CANON 019
AM Digital Photography: 05-31-09 – Mpls Sculpture Garden - pt-1 – CANON 075 - sig
AM Digital Photography: 08-29-09 – Mpls State Fair - PT-1 - CANON 364