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God’s goodness is unfathomable, His greatness is beyond our comprehension. In today’s Thru the Bible reading, Moses stands on top of Mt. Pisgah and looks out over the vastness of the Promised Land (Deut. 3:27). “You have only begun to show me Your greatn
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It’s in the wilderness that we see how the Lord carries us. Isaiah 40:11 says that He carries us like a lamb in His arms. His arms are strong (Ps. 89:13) and He doesn’t grow tired like we do. “…In the wilderness where you saw how the LORD your #God carri
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We can’t out run past mistakes or hide from a life of regret – we need a refuge. Today’s Thru the Bible reading is about the city of refuge. What an awesome picture of Jesus. #Jesus is our #refuge. Only He can #redeem our life, #forgive our past, cove
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#God has given us exceedingly great & precious promises! (2 Pt. 1:4). Like Israel, He has promised to take us to a promise land and provide for us along the way. But also like Israel, there are battles we face and enemies to be defeated. In today’s readi
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Feel like you’re going through the fire? Take heart! #God uses all things for our benefit. We see in today’s Thru the Bible Reading that He used fire to purify and #sanctify anything that was brought into Israel’s camp. Remember, everything in the #OldTe
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#God is faithful. He ALWAYS KEEPS HIS PROMISES. He promised to send His son and He did; He promised to save us from our sin and He did; He promised to rise from the grave and He did; He promised to come again and HE WILL. In today’s Bible reading we’re r
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How zealous are you to draw close to God? In today’s Thru the Bible reading we find Israel uniting themselves with immorality, false gods and the Moabite women. Yikes! What a mess. Israel’s deliberate disobedience and belligerent behavior reaped the whir
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Sin makes a fool out of us & like Balaam in today’s reading – we can find ourselves talking to a donkey! I love the pictures we find in today’s #Bible reading! God’s power, #mercy, faithfulness and creativity are seen throughout the account of Balaam and
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There is no Rock like our God! (1 Sam. 2:2) #Jesus is our solid rock; the rock of our #salvation (Ps. 95:1); a sure foundation (1 Cor. 3:11); our cornerstone (Ps. 118:22, 23; Matt. 21:42; Acts 4:11; Eph. 2:20); our stronghold and refuge (2 Sam. 22:3). He
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In today’s #Bible reading we find an incredible picture of our precious #salvation! These chapters in Numbers (16-18) are chopped full of lessons, exhortations, examples, and a wonderful picture of our precious #Jesus - as Aaron the high priest rushes
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In every Old Testament story there is a picture for a New Testament principle. Today’s reading is no exception. Think about it…Once #God #redeemed and delivered Israel from Egypt (a picture of the world) He gave them a new way of life through His law (a p
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In today’s #Thruthebible reading we find the spies scouting out the promise land. Joshua and Caleb came back ready to fight and take possession, but the others were daunted by the task and fearful of the giants. “Let us go up at once and take possession,
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God wanted Israel to follow Him, love Him, & be fully devoted to Him. He led Israel through the wilderness, parted the seas, fought their battles, and provided every step of the way. All Israel had to do was follow His lead. "Whether it was two days, a m
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God cares about you & the details in your life! Today's reading may seem redundant at first glance - but consider this: Although all the princes’ offerings in Numbers chapter 7 were identical, each is separately recorded. This is a great encouragement t
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Being “seeker friendly” can lead to not seeking the One who came to seek & save the lost (Luke 19:10). As #Christians, we are fishers of men (Matt. 4:19). The #HolySpirit burdens our hearts for the lost & gives us a desire to see people come to #Christ.
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God's Word is full of treasure. Even here in Numbers! #God gave certain people specific tasks. Has He given you a specific task or calling? Consider this, as God was giving Moses instructions, He recited the names of those who were the heads of househo
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We’re starting the book of Numbers today. If any of you have a math phobia like me – the mere name Numbers may discourage you from reading. But unlike my former math tests, all of God’s numbers are accounted for, line up, and add up. Not one is missing. T
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"I will walk among you and be your #God, and you will be my people... I broke the bars of your yoke and enabled you to walk with heads held high." Leviticus 26:12, 13 Our #Hope is this, God’s Word is true and He keeps His promises. He promised to send a
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Remember the old song... Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burnin', burnin', burnin'? Today's reading is about the oil and lamps that were to continually burn (never to let go out) in God’s sanctuary. We are to be a light set on a hill (Matt.5:14). Our li
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God delivered Israel from Egypt & gave them a new way of living; new standards, new traditions, a new perspective. "You shall not profane My #holy name, but I will be hallowed among the children of Israel. I am the #LORD who #sanctifies you, who brought
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How we walk, talk, dress, & act is a reflection of our affection. REMEMBER, we're Christians now. We were spiritually dead and full of sin, but we've been born again (John 3:3). We’re new creations in #Christ. Old things are passed away and all things ma
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Need a scapegoat? #God knows we all need a scapegoat, so He provided us with the perfect alibi… In Leviticus chapter 16 we find a tale of two goats. Leviticus 16:7-10 tell us that the high priest was to cast lots on two goats (kind of like drawing straws
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Today's #thruthebible Reading is all about the scapegoat. You may be wondering what that has to do with us?! EVERYTHING! This is an amazing picture of our sins being carried away - like Ps. 103:12 says, "as far as the east is from the west, so far has He
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Leviticus, it's Black & White. Leviticus tells how a holy #God could dwell among sinful people. It powerfully reveals the severity involved when God’s holiness is not reverently regarded. In the midst of this unattainable standard is the GREATEST HOPE of
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It’s impossible to live up to God’s standard & obey the law. Today's reading in Leviticus will show us that! And that is exactly what #God intended! "Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to #Christ, that we might be #justified by faith. But after
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God's Word is full of treasure. Even here in Leviticus! Our focus through the #OldTestament is #Jesus, the perfect fulfillment of all we find here in the rules and regulations of Leviticus. The priest's job was to offer sacrifices for the peoples' sin..
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Need a clean conscience? We all do! Sin brings guilt, and guilt causes a sick & heavy heart. A sensitive conscience is a gift from #God. It keeps us from sin that would otherwise cause heartache and bring death. "For if our heart condemn us, God is great
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New #blog post at #19upstream ... Here is an excerpt... Leviticus is boring? Think again! Leviticus is often mistaken as boring, but a closer look will reveal a shadow of Jesus on every page. In the New Testament, Paul explains that the law was given t
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Think Leviticus is boring? Think again! Take a closer look & check out our latest blog post "Leviticus Boring?". Leviticus is often mistaken as boring, but a closer look will reveal a shadow of #Jesus on every page. You just might find Leviticus to be on
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I love the way the book of Exodus ends. We've see how Exodus is a picture of our Christian walk and I hope my life's end verse will conclude the same way… "In all the travels of the Israelites, whenever the cloud lifted from above the tabernacle, they wo