matlabashunters: Single tusker 15
matlabashunters: Bull elephant emerging from the Liwonde woodlands
matlabashunters: Lioness with cubs and kill
matlabashunters: Bull elephant
matlabashunters: Hyena 5548
matlabashunters: Thornicroft's giraffe, Luangwa Valley
matlabashunters: Elephant on the Chobe River floodplain
matlabashunters: Impala and elephant on the Chobe River floodplain
matlabashunters: Cape wild dog 0544
matlabashunters: Cape wild dog 0528
matlabashunters: Warthog 09-2537
matlabashunters: Warthog 09-2549
matlabashunters: Warthog 027
matlabashunters: Typical Kruger Park scene 078
matlabashunters: Elephant caught in a dust storm at Sable Dam 7425
matlabashunters: Southern giraffe 006
matlabashunters: Slender mongoose 1359
matlabashunters: Meerkat 045
matlabashunters: Crawshay's zebra 0410
matlabashunters: Nubian ibex 128
matlabashunters: Nubian ibex 019
matlabashunters: Aardwolf ("Proteles cristata")
matlabashunters: African Wild Cat ("Felis sylvestris")
matlabashunters: Bat-eared fox ("Otocyonmegalotis")
matlabashunters: Black-backed jackal feeding on elephant
matlabashunters: Black-backed jackal ("Canis mesomelas")
matlabashunters: Lion ("Panthera leo")
matlabashunters: King cheetah ("Acynonyx jubatus")