matlabashunters: Lion ("Panthera leo")
matlabashunters: Cape mountain zebra
matlabashunters: Standoff ! Matusadonna , Zimbabwe
matlabashunters: Chapman's zebra
matlabashunters: King cheetah ("Acynonyx jubatus")
matlabashunters: Lion ("Panthera leo")
matlabashunters: Black-backed jackal ("Canis mesomelas")
matlabashunters: Black-backed jackal feeding on elephant
matlabashunters: Bat-eared fox ("Otocyonmegalotis")
matlabashunters: African Wild Cat ("Felis sylvestris")
matlabashunters: Aardwolf ("Proteles cristata")
matlabashunters: Knorhoek
matlabashunters: View from Remhoogte
matlabashunters: View from Spitskop - Prince Alfred Pass 7816_725x481
matlabashunters: Wilderness
matlabashunters: View from Remhoogte
matlabashunters: View from Helshoogte outside Stellenbosch
matlabashunters: Shingwedzi River in summer
matlabashunters: Shingwedzi River in winter
matlabashunters: The river road, Pafuri
matlabashunters: View from Neethlingshof
matlabashunters: Near Hoekwil, Western Cape
matlabashunters: Knysna forests
matlabashunters: Kaaimans River mouth
matlabashunters: Hex River Valley
matlabashunters: Devon valley
matlabashunters: Devon Valley
matlabashunters: De Zalze vineyards and estate
matlabashunters: Waterbuck