ealdian: My new place
ealdian: Exploring the bath
ealdian: Photo shoot
ealdian: How did I get here?
ealdian: Come here
ealdian: Waiting around
ealdian: Waiting around
ealdian: Just waiting to be asked the right questions.
ealdian: You want to do WHAT?
ealdian: Still looking around
ealdian: What is this place?
ealdian: I'm taking a short break for real life, but I'll be back soon.
ealdian: I'm taking a short break for real life, but I'll be back soon.
ealdian: Go ahead, ask me
ealdian: Out exploring Javik Station
ealdian: Come here and we'll talk about it.
ealdian: I'll be ready in five minutes
ealdian: Some time in the future
ealdian: Time traveler living in space.
ealdian: I shouldn't be out here
ealdian: Headed out
ealdian: Overcast night
ealdian: Out observing the windmills at New Frontiers
ealdian: Let's go, I'm ready.
ealdian: Moonlit walk around my house
ealdian: For just a minute. Be still.
ealdian: Waiting
ealdian: I'm back.
ealdian: I'm too warm in this sweater.
ealdian: What a great afternoon!