hankowil: Gas Mask
juju1418: Un groupe d'Artillerie attendant les ordres | A group of artillery awaiting orders ELD
juju1418: K.U.K. STURMTRUPPEN 10. ARMEE (1917-1918)
hankowil: Happy Pioneer
Baushawat: Austro-Hungarian large flamethrower
Baushawat: French flamethrower demonstration
juju1418: Assault troops training (1917)
juju1418: Distribution of gifts - Salines Royales, Dieuze (9.6.1918)
hankowil: Landscape of War
✠ drakegoodman ✠: Stirnpanzer (forehead armour) **
Wooway1: Trench Training
juju1418: Flamethrower squad on the move (1918) 2/2
stosstruppen1918: LP08 "Artillery Luger" DWM - 1918
juju1418: Prisoners from the 248e Régiment d'Infanterie (1917)
hankowil: Sturmpioniere
hankowil: With God
Wooway1: Stirnpanzer and Grabenpanzer
juju1418: Flamethrower squad 2/2 (1916-1918)
juju1418: "Besichtigung des Stoßtrupps durch unsern Divisions-General" 1917
hankowil: French gas masks
✠ drakegoodman ✠: General der Kavallerie v. Kövess (marked with an "X")
juju1418: Infanterie-Geschütz-Batterie 24 with Sturm-Bataillon 5 (Rohr) Weihnachten 1917
juju1418: Sturm-Bataillon N°16 training ground at Kaiserstuhl in 1918
juju1418: Assault troops training in Vilnius 2/2 (1916-1918)
juju1418: Assault troops training - 19 Landwehr-Division (1916)
✠ drakegoodman ✠: Tools of the trade